Geological Time: Old Rocks, New IdeasMelbourne, September 28, 2023
2pm onwards
Participants can also register on site on the day. Cash payment only. Detailed Program
13.00 - 14.00
<<<< Registration and poster setup* >>>>
14.00 - 14.05
Dr Ashleigh Hood (GSAV)
Symposium Opening |
14.05 - 14.30
Dr Ellen Corrick (Monash University)
Synchronous timing of abrupt climate changes during the last glacial period |
14.30 - 14.55
Dr Richard Selwyn-Jones (Monash University)
The history of the Antarctic Ice Sheet: dating the past to understand the future |
14.55 - 15.20
Dr Vera Korasidis (University of Melbourne)
New palynological and chronostratigraphic insight on the origin of the Australian highlands |
15.20 - 16.00
<<<< Posters & afternoon tea (complimentary) >>>>
16.00 - 16.25
Assoc Prof Oliver Nebel (Monash University)
On the age-old problem of dating a granite |
16.25 - 16.50
Heidi Allen, Geological Survey of WA (DMIRS)
If It Quacks Like a Duck... |
16.50 - 18.00
<<<< Posters, drinks & nibbles (complimentary) >>>>
18.00 - 19.00
Assistant Prof Alan Rooney (Yale)
Selwyn Public Lecture The Timing and Tempo of Glaciations and the Rise of Complex Life |
<<<< Symposium Dinner >>>>
Café Corretto, Carlton (registration required, additional cost) |
*Posters available during all breaks